TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

Having a pet is a huge responsibility in life. Simply opening the door of our home is not enough. They are living beings that need food, visits to the veterinarian, and lots of love.

Unfortunately, there are pet owners who believe that just having them at home is more than enough, as was the case with a little cat named Ozzie.

TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

Veterinarians estimate that Ozzie is 15 years old. Ozzie’s health deteriorated over time. Finally, his owners decided to get rid of him and kicked him out of the house so he would never come back. The poor cat began to walk in search of a safe place, but he was in such bad shape that he couldn’t even walk.

His fur was matted and dirty to the point that even a few steps could become extremely painful for him. Ozzie walked as much as he could until he felt he couldn’t go on anymore and lay down to sleep on the street. That’s when the rescuers found him and learned his sad story thanks to the neighbors.

TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

That’s why we dare to assert without fear of being wrong that thousands of stray cats and dogs should not be called stray, but abandoned. Their fate could have been different, undoubtedly, and all because of humans.

TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

The little cat was found in the city of Vancouver, Canada. The rescuers took Ozzie to the vet. It was likely the first time he had received medical attention in his entire life. They contacted his owners and they made it very clear that they no longer wanted anything to do with the creature. They performed a series of tests to help him recover his health. He was given a well-deserved bath and his fur was cut to get rid of the painful tangles. He also received attention for his teeth, which were severely affected. After just a couple of weeks there, he looked like a new cat. Now, all he needed was to meet someone who would give him a little love. They took him to a temporary home where he stole everyone’s hearts and they decided to welcome him into the family for good.

TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

We celebrate that this beautiful cat finally found an opportunity to lead a life full of love. At fifteen years old and after such a difficult past, Ozzie deserves to enjoy his new home to the fullest and spend every day receiving affection until his last breath.

TD.Elderly Cat Abandoned, Found Struggling for Help Until Exhausted

The work of rescuers is essential to provide a second chance to animals like Ozzie. Adopting a pet is much more than a good deed, it is saving their life, and many times they are the ones who save us.

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