TD.Newborn Astonishes with Appearance of 70-Year-Old Man at Birth

TD.Newborn Astonishes with Appearance of 70-Year-Old Man at Birth

Abandoned at Two Weeks Old Due to Wrinkled Skin: A Heartbreaking Tale from India

In a distressing incident from Maharashtra, Western India, a two-week-old baby girl was abandoned by her biological parents because of a rare “wrinkled skin” disorder, painting a pitiful picture of societal neglect. Born with this unusual condition, the unnamed infant was left to fend for herself, surviving solely on goat milk and the compassionate care of her grandfather before finally receiving medical attention at a hospital.

TD.Newborn Astonishes with Appearance of 70-Year-Old Man at Birth

Doctors revealed that the baby girl was born prematurely in the seventh month of pregnancy, weighing a mere 800 grams, and exhibited uncommon features attributed to endometrium growth retardation and various chromosomal abnormalities. This unfortunate circumstance led both parents to refuse to raise their child, deeming her a “mutant” due to her appearance.

TD.Newborn Astonishes with Appearance of 70-Year-Old Man at Birth

Following a decline in her health, the baby’s grandfather, Dilip Dode, aged 50, rushed her to a hospital in Mumbai, located approximately 138 kilometers away. Expressing gratitude towards the medical staff who provided free treatment, Mr. Dode recounted how his daughter-in-law underwent regular prenatal check-ups at a local health center, with no indication of any issues concerning the baby.

TD.Newborn Astonishes with Appearance of 70-Year-Old Man at Birth

Medical professionals, including Minnie Bodhanwala, operating at the hospital, affirmed their commitment to diagnosing and treating the rare disorder, acknowledging its complexity. Meanwhile, Mr. Dilip Dode, employed as a casual worker, endeavors to augment his income to ensure proper care for his granddaughter, prioritizing her well-being over that of his son and daughter-in-law.

The abandonment of this two-week-old infant due to her wrinkled skin serves as a poignant reminder of the harsh realities faced by those with uncommon medical conditions, highlighting the importance of compassion and support within society.

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