TD”Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow”

TD"Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow"

Sadly, many people look down on stray dogs because of their ragged appearance, dirtiness, and potential diseases. But what they often overlook or refuse to acknowledge is that these seemingly helpless creatures can be true heroes when it comes to saving a life, especially when a young child depends on them for survival.

TD"Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow"

Such was the incredible event in Sakhalin, Russia, where a 10-year-old girl was saved thanks to a stray dog embracing her for warmth during a snowstorm.

The stray dog cuddled the girl as temperatures plummeted to -11 degrees Celsius.

The girl, identified as Viktoria Zarbina, a devoted animal lover, had set out to feed street dogs on her way back from school in Uglegorsk, Sakhalin, the largest island in Russia.

Little did she know that amidst her act of kindness, she would become trapped in one of the fiercest storms, just 1 km away from her home.

TD"Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow"TD"Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow"

The girl endured 18 hours teetering between life and death during the coldest night. Despite extensive search efforts by police, officials, and volunteers, her family feared the worst due to the severe weather conditions.

No one imagined she would have her own furry guardian angel appear at the perfect moment to rescue her from a tragic fate.

Viktoria was found nearly frozen, embraced by a large fluffy dog that never left her side. The fierce storm caused snowdrifts of over 1 meter deep, with snow reaching up to the first floor of some buildings.

Although the stray dog was a stranger to Viktoria, it displayed remarkable intelligence, kindness, and affection, allowing her to hold onto it throughout the freezing night, knowing its thick fur could provide warmth and save her.

Thanks to a neighbor’s tip-off, search operations were successful as they reported seeing a girl playing with stray dogs near a shelter.

Upon receiving this information, Viktoria’s mother, Tatyana, 34, immediately suspected it could be her daughter. Consequently, the police were able to reach the scene and were stunned and deeply moved by what they found.

Both Viktoria and the stray dog were lying on a mattress, placed for homeless dogs, under a low balcony, seeking shelter from the raging storm.

TD"Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow"

“She diverted to feed street dogs after school and got caught in the storm and strong winds,” said Olesya Voznyuk, an official from the Investigative Committee. “She was hiding under a balcony with the dog.”

Understandingly, Viktoria’s mother was not surprised by the turn of events, as her daughter frequently showed love and compassion by feeding stray dogs in the area.

Viktoria left school at 1 p.m. and was found the next morning at 8:45 a.m. The space under the balcony provided some shelter, but still, more than 40 people took over 12 hours to find her since her parents raised the alarm.

TD"Heroic Stray Dog Saves Girl from Freezing in the Snow"

Her relieved mother reunited with her at the hospital, embracing her in a heartwarming hug that brought tears to everyone’s eyes. Fortunately, the girl was stabilized within a few hours and returned home with her family. Her parents are endlessly grateful to the beautiful stray hero.

However, they are saddened because amidst the operation, as if knowing its job was done, the furry hero disappeared.

Now they seek the community’s help to find the dog and give it the home it deserves for saving their daughter’s life. Dogs truly are amazing creatures!

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