Rescued Cat Raised Among Huskies Now Identifies as a Big and Brave Dog

The sweetest friendships are those between a dog and a cat. We’ve told you enough tales to demonstrate the friendliness of dogs and cats.


Although there are no dogs that copy cats, many cats like feeling powerful and acting like dogs. In this story, the scenario is similar.
A little, vulnerable kitten by the name of Kozy was once dumped helplessly and bewildered onto the street.
Fortunately, she was saved by a woman who raised three huskies and owned them. Currently an adult cat, Kozy views herself as a large, courageous dog like her “brothers.”

Let’s simply have a look. She really feels herself part of this other family.

Due to the fact that they grew up together, it is not shocking.

Kozy enjoys acting demanding and presenting a sense of authority. The life of this cat would be unimaginable without her big brothers.


She loves playing with them, showing her flexible body tricks and just enjoy their company.

Kozy is safe, and maybe the safety that her dog brothers give to her, makes the cat feel much more confident than she is.

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