The Indispensable Bond: Max the Cat Enables the Existence of Blind Spike

Most people consider cats and dogs to be fatal foes, but this cute cat and dog combination illustrates that everything is possible with a little collaboration.

Spike, the blind dog, seeks encouragement from Max, and the two have been great friends since they were babies.

When their elderly owner died, the animals were sent to a nearby animal shelter. Rather than being separated, the top decided to inquire on Facebook if anyone was interested in adopting them both.

The friendship between Max and Spike is a testimony to what is possible for anybody thinking about adopting a blind animal. These animals can thrive and enjoy happy lives if they are patient and understanding.

When they first arrived at the shelter, the staff weren’t sure if the two should be separated or not.

“Spike relies on Max for a lot,” said Amy Kesting, marketing, and communications manager at the San Diego Humane Society.


“If they were separated, we’d have to work with Spike to make him adjusted to living without Max.”

The notion of parting these two was painful, so the shelter sought public assistance.

“We advertised them on our Facebook page and had over 100 applications within hours,” Kesting explained. “It was incredible to see how many individuals wanted to give them a home.”

The response was overwhelming, and soon enough, these two furry friends found themselves in a new home where they would continue to rely on each other for companionship.

We’re so thrilled Max and Spike found a new home together, and we hope their tale inspires others to open their hearts to creatures in need.


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