Discovering Poodle Cats: Now I Want One More Than Anything

Did you know about poodle cats? Poodle cats, officialy known as Selkirk Rex, have been around since 1987. They are so fluffy that they look more like stuffed animals than living things. Wheter you are a cat person or a dog person, you won’t be able to resist their cuteness.

It turns out that the poodle cat’s distinctive fur is the result of a genetic quirk. Their kinky hair is dominant trait, making it easy for breeders to retain the curls while crossbreeding in order to maintain genetic diversity.


One other special thing on this breed is that they don’t only have curly fur but their whiskers are curly as well. How cute!

Their unusual appearance doe not stop them from being loving, patient and tolerant, laid-back,playful and of course great for families!


Their uniqueness makes them also very expensive, which means they cost between $500 to $800. Another thing about this breed is that it is a bit hard to maintain their fur. They will probably need more amount of brushing and washing to keep their coat free from matting and grease.

I still love them! What do you think about this unusual breed? Would you like to have one?

Share their cuteness with family & friends! <3

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